After getting lost in life's woes for the month of March, i'm excited for spring. Beside the whole allergies kicking my ass and leaving me feel like a sloppy mess in the morning or waking up in the middle of the night with watery eyes, running nose, and feeling like poo ( I have Allegra-D on speed dial). But that is another issue for a different day. I've been in my new position a little over a month and enjoying it. Everyday i'm learning and being challenged, which is important to me. I like my coworkers and appreciate the diverse experiences they bring to the table. All in all, I am happy with the decision to stay and take this position. I'm sure Afghanistan would have had it's challenges and learning experiences, part of me just wasn't ready to pack it all up and re-live the expat life again. So here I am, in DC for the long haul. And the best part of it all is that spring is here! The temperatures are rising, I can escape the drab colors of winter and bask in the lively spring colors. And with spring comes a re-emergence of myself. As corny and cliche as this metaphor will be, I'm truly like a flower, coming to light at the right time and enjoying all that is around me. Winter was spent finding some stability and figuring out what I want and how to create those happy spaces. Some of those times more difficult than others but in the end presenting me with the lesson that life will present you with the things that are meant to be presented when they're meant to be presented and things should not be forced. You can't force people to be your friend, you can't force an experience to happen, you can't force life to happen. You have to let life happen and find ways to enjoy it as it does. I'm excited for the better weather and hanging out with friends, I am excited about how things will unfold at work and I am excited about all that will come.
Spring has sprung!
Spring has sprung!