Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Give it what you got...

I need to do better. I need to do better. I need to do better. I need to do better. I need to do better.
I need to do better
My last post was written a little over 6 months ago, right before my favorite holiday- My birthday. Now that we are at my 2nd favorite holiday- NYE, I guess this is pretty good timing to squeeze in one last blog of 2013. Like many of you, 2013 was a CHALLENGING year. Actually, it was a year full of bullshit. Ok maybe not bullshit (and please excuse my language) but it was definitely a year that I am glad to put behind me. 2013 was a huge year of transition for me. From personal to professional, it felt as if my life some how fell out of my grasp and I was left struggling to regain control. Now that we are embarking on a new year, I can only help feel relieved at the opportunity to restart with a refreshed perspective on what it is I really want out of this thing called life. 

In true form, there were TONS of lessons learned in the last year and obviously there are a few things I plan on putting out in the universe in the new year. I would share all those lessons, but as I think about them, I realize that it may take several pages and lots of time, so i'm going to spare you and share with you the most important lessons learned in 2013. 
1. Give it what you got...
On my way to work this morning, I drove past a man asking for change on the side of the road. I have seen this man out there before and it's pretty obvious that he suffers from some mental/physical disability (he appears to have significant eyesight loss).Usually, I catch the light before this man reaches my car but today I did not catch the light and this man made it to my car. I have always been the believer that if you feel compelled to do something, then you should do it. So as I look in my wallet to see if I had a spare dollar and all I found was a $10.  So I gave  what I had- that $10 bill. I would be lying if I didn't think of the several different ways I could have spent that money, but I also would have been disappointed in myself for putting such trivial needs before the basic needs of others. I don't like to speak about those small acts of kindness because it seems boastful and the only reason why I did so now is the lesson that was presented after reflecting on the action.  If you ask my mom, i'm generous to a fault. I give my time and resources without thinking about me first. And yeah this could be true, but I also believe that when you give what you got, you will get what you need.  Despite all the challenges this year presented me, I can honestly look back and be grateful for all that it gave me. I have formed awesome relationships with awesome people, I had great travel experiences, I have been presented with great professional opportunities. Most importantly, I have been given experiences that have allowed for a space of reflection, deeper sense of self, and clarity.


2. Shifting operations from a space of fear to a space of faith...
Recently I had a conversation with a great friend and we were talking about operating in a space of fear. Thinking about myself, my actions, my thoughts, I realized that this year I have been operating in a space of fear. Fear of not being in the place I thought I would be personally and professionally and fearful of failing. Operating from this space prevented me from being able to look around and figure out what I really wanted in that moment and what I really want for myself. As my friend so poignantly put it "we have to shift from operating in a space of fear to a space of faith." If we started relying on our faith that the things that are meant to happen will happen and if we start believing that all that we are supposed to have will be, then we will stop mentally blocking ourselves from the greatness that is in each one of us. As they say, "we are our own worst enemies" and reflecting on all this, I have come to realize that the internal conflict that was a result of all the transitions came from my inability to operate from a space of faith. I encourage you reflect on this quote that has really resonated with me in the last few weeks " Don't wait for the world to recognize your greatness, live it and let the world catch up to you." Go out there, give it all you got and watch as all you need comes back to you. 


With all this being said, here are my goals for 2014.

1.Become more committed to my health and wellness (mind, body, and soul)
2.Financial Responsibility
3. Focus on developing my consultant business

I know my blogs are long winded so I'm going to save the details for each goal for another blog. I hope as we close out 2013 you have had the opportunity to reflect on the old and prepare for the new. 
I'm ready to live up to my greatness and I am looking forward to all the good that will come in 2014.
Until next year.... 
Wishing you a safe, healthy, happy, and fulfilling new year!

Friday, June 7, 2013


If you know me (or at least have kept up with my blog) you know that tomorrow marks a very, very, special day for me. It's my 28th birthday! I am so excited to be able to re-open a new year, a new chapter, with a renewed sense of self, direction, perspective and I am so excited to put what I have learned and what I am still learning into practice.

If I were to put a word on the last year, I would say it was the year of reaffirmation (whoa ho ho...big word there! it means to confirm something that was previously confirmed- anyway I digressed there). Every challenge from the last year reaffirmed a lesson I had previously learned. Well, i'm sure you're asking yourself  "how do you relearn a lesson that you already learned before...I mean once you learn it, why do you need to re-learn it?" Well, that's simple. We have a need to re-learn lessons because when challenges are presented we tend to forget those lessons and we all know anything that we really need to know has to be presented to us several times before we actually make it habit. So yeah, the last year was full challenges which resulted in learning and re-learning lessons. Again, if you keep up with this blog you know my style, I will write the lesson a brief tidbit to go with it, then thank you all in the end for reading and it's over. This time instead of reflecting on those instances that resulted in my re-learning something, I am going to share with you my hopes for the new year.

This year, I hope...

  • To feel fulfilled by all the relationships in my life.
  • To love others freely without losing sight of loving myself
  • To accept people where they are
  • To embrace the roles people play in my life
  • To create the boundaries necessary to allow me to maintain balance in my life
  • To maintain peace
  • To not let my future predict my present
  • To create the community I want to be a part of
  • To love more
  • To just enjoy..the moment, the company, the memories
Here's to another year of lessons, love, and living life to the fullest!

Cheers :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring has sprung

After getting lost in life's woes for the month of March, i'm excited for spring. Beside the whole allergies kicking my ass and leaving me feel like a sloppy mess in the morning or waking up in the middle of the night with watery eyes, running nose, and feeling like poo ( I have Allegra-D on speed dial). But that is another issue for a different day. I've been in my new position a little over a month and enjoying it. Everyday i'm learning and being challenged, which is important to me. I like my coworkers and appreciate the diverse experiences they bring to the table. All in all, I am happy with the decision to stay and take this position. I'm sure Afghanistan would have had it's challenges and learning experiences, part of me just wasn't ready to pack it all up and re-live the expat life again. So here I am, in DC for the long haul. And the best part of it all is that spring is here! The temperatures are rising, I can escape the drab colors of winter and bask in the lively spring colors. And with spring comes a re-emergence of myself. As corny and cliche as this metaphor will be, I'm truly like a flower, coming to light at the right time and enjoying all that is around me. Winter was spent finding some stability and figuring out what I want and how to create those happy spaces. Some of those times more difficult than others but in the end presenting me with the lesson that life will present you with the things that are meant to be presented when they're meant to be presented and things should not be forced. You can't force people to be your friend, you can't force an experience to happen, you can't force life to happen. You have to let life happen and find ways to enjoy it as it does. I'm excited for the better weather and hanging out with friends, I am excited about how things will unfold at work and I am excited about all that will come.

Spring has sprung!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

In the end...

Lately Alicia Keys song "Brand New Me" has been speaking to me. Probably because my current station in life is easily relateable to the lyrics in the song. I am overwhelmed in a good way. Good news is I finally secured a position that I believe would be a great fit for me and the next step in my career. I am super excited about this upcoming adventure and all that I will learn, all the challenges I will face, all the people I will meet, all the experiences that will stem from this opportunity. So yay me! Additionally, I started a girls empowerment program here in DC. The program meets twice a month and so far the girls are amazing! Their energy and outlook and optimism despite some of the circumstances they face is inspiring. After Saturday's program, the organization's director told me I had a glow, which a) i'm in my element and doing what I love to do b) being around the girls gives me the charge I need to re-energize myself. Looking at their faces and seeing their reactions and enthuasism and openness to what we're doing, reminds me of how I was before I let life's situations burden me. I'm feeling empowered again and maybe it has to do with the fact that spring is around the corner, but i'm happy to be in this space and happy for all the lessons that I have learned. This ends a chapter for me, a pretty short one, but it's coming to a close.

This past chapter taught me lessons in love, perservance, and self-worth. Although some of these lessons were repeats, I am happy to have gone through it in order to re-learn most of what I knew before. Never ever give up and never lose sight of yourself and what you want. Most importanly, know in the end there are always new beginnings.

Until next time...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

With a little help from my friends

It's the one day of the year that will either leave you feeling blissfully happy, angry, or indifferent. Yes folks, it's Valentine's Day. If you're like me, you're both happy and indifferent to this day. Happy because it's day that is being recognized for love and I love love, in all forms. Indifferent because really it's just another day, a part of another week, in a different month. Anyway, I choose to use this day to examine relationships that I have in my life. With all the books that are out these days about how to find a man, how to keep a man, how to think like a man, how to me be a better friend, how to have successful relationships with women, how to...you get it. There's a lot of how tos out here and really although there is some truth in the information that is presented in them, that information always seems distant. There is no real connection to the words, because there is no real connection to the person who is writing them. I love the people that surround me and I love hearing their experiences because in those experiences I am able to learn something. So I decided for this blog I would get some help from my friends.

A couple of weeks ago I sent out a mass email to a great group of women asking them to share with me their thoughts on relationships. I posed the question "What lesson(s) have you learned in your relationships (friends and romantic-you can decide what you choose to share) that you wished you known sooner? Or learned before?" Basically, what would you tell your younger self about relationships from the lessons you have learned. At first when writing the email I thought I wouldn't get any responses because let's face it, it's a little weird and awkward. But I was overwhelmed by the responses and loved reading them. There was a point I felt selfish because I was gaining all this wisdom from my friends and giving nothing in return. Well, I am. I keeping them anonymous but will share their words of wisdom with you in this blog.

So without further ado...

What every woman should know about relationships with men...

(Most) Men are very honest about who they are and their intentions up front. Often times they say pay attention to his actions more than his words, but his words are just as important as those actions. He will tell you directly what he wants and what he's looking for. ACCEPT IT. Not every man is meant to be your boyfriend, and not every man is meant to play a significant role in your life and that is ok. As one girlfriend put it..."Sometimes they're just meant to be a great love affair" I agree. Sometimes that man is simply put in your life to let you let your hair down and have a good time.

Which leads to my next point...don't compromise yourself. I am a firm believer that someone else can not complete you, they can enhance, but not complete. If you're not stable in who you are and complete on your own, then every man that comes into your life will compromise YOU. At first you will be ok with this, but then there will come a point when you won't be and when that point comes you will be unhappy. Every relationship is a give and take, a compromise, but keep that in mind, the relationship and actions to make that relationship work is the compromise, not you. Trust me, men will love you for who you are and if they don't then are they really worth keeping? This goes back to the previous one, if you know who you are and what you want, then you won't fall for the men that are not in it to win it. Know what you're willing to compromise and stick to that. Don't waiver and don't worry, when one leaves, there will be another on the horizon.

Know what you want from a man and do not be afraid to get the rest from your friends. I don't want to date someone that is my twin. I think it's quite healthy for people in a relationship to have their own interests and of course shared interests. I think this allows you to still be you while still in a relationship with someone. Sure my partner doesn't like eating exotic food, that's ok I have friends that do. Sure my partner prefers to go bowling instead of ice skating, that's ok I have friends that do. I'm not against having a partner that is on the opposite end of the spectrum that I am on as long as they are willing to meet in the middle and are open to exploring each others interests.

I am all about control and I think having control in a relationship is of course give and take, but make sure you know what you want out of the relationship. I like dating and courtship, I like a man that can communicate, I like a man that is good in bed (yes that is important), I like a man that brings out the best in me and see the good in me even on my bad days, I like a man that is respectful, I like a man that isn't afraid to tell me how he feels, I like a man that can compliment me, I like a man that is a good person. Some may say my expectations are pretty high or pretty low, but for me it works and it's important for you to find what works for you. If you like going to the movies and the man doesn't take you to the movies, then maybe he's not the one for you. Know what you want and don't compromise that. (Yes compromise is the buzz word here, compromising should be done in moderation!)

Not everyone is meant to be in your relationship. I try not to get into the nitty gritty of my relationships with my friends. Not that I don't trust them, I just think it's really none of their business what happens between my man and I. I have had my fair share of "great love affairs" that my friends don't know about and will probably never know about, not because I feel the need to hide something but because there is no reason discussing something that really is not a discussion. As women, I think its natural that we ask questions and want to offer up advice, but really how solid is that advice coming from someone who doesn't know the interaction between you and your partner? (unless the man is physically, mentally, or verbally abusive..that is a whole different story) Yeah I may mention something that has been done that upsets me in that moment, but every relationship has road bumps and sometimes you just want to let it out. As a friend, I try not to offer my advice. I may see something and wish that my friend is not with so and so but at the end of the day they have to come to that conclusion on their own. I ask questions to invoke thought, and if that person thinks about it and continues down whatever path that is their choice and not my own.

I can go on and on about relationships with men, but I think the biggest thing is knowing what you want, what you're willing to compromise, and not being afraid to stick to it.

It saddens me when women are afraid to be alone and therefore will take anything just to have something. This is where your perspective will have to change. Unless you have no female friends, do not be afraid to find fulfillment in other relationships around you. Friends! How we forget them when we're in love, but how they always know what to do to give you the support you need. Which leads me to the next topic...relationships with friends.

I love my friends. Luckily enough I have created a wide circle of girlfriends on all sides of the spectrum and I think there are several things that have led to the success of these friendships. Mutual support, mutual admiration, and similar thoughts towards friendships. So how to you get more of these types of relationships and let go of the others?

The same as a man presents himself to you, women do to. If a woman tells you she doesn't have female friends for xy and z reasons, well something tells me that you're not going to be her friend either, at least not for very long. We (speaking for women) always want to fix someone. If he's not a good man we will fix that, if she's not a good friend we will fix that. That mentality, as endearing as it is, never works. It never has. If a person presents themselves in a way you do not agree with, then make the right choice to exit stage left.

Friendships have ups and down. Sometimes I will talk to a friend everyday then suddenly life happens and I won't connect with that friend for months. A true friend knows and understands this and never holds it against you. Sometimes you won't agree with a friend on something. Does this disagreement prevent you from enjoying the other aspects of the relationship? Sometimes its so big that it does but often times it's not and something that can be moved past over time.

Know what you want out of a friendship and give the same in return. One sided friendships are no fun and some of you may be guilty for being a one sided friend. Take some time and think about all your friendship and ask yourself, "am I being a good friend? Do I call and see how so and so is doing? Do I always wait for so and so to ask me to hangout? etc.." Friendship is a two way street and requires effort to make it work.

Accept that a friendship was only meant to last a season and let it go. Not everyone is meant to be in our lives forever. Life will take you through many different twists and turns and friends will get on and get off during those various times. Don't force a friendship to happen. If it's meant to be it will be, if not, look at it like a great love affair. Something that served a purpose and that purpose was fulfilled.

Look for people that celebrate you. As women we are very quick to tear one another down. be downright evil for whatever stupid reason. Friends don't do that and you want to find people that see the best in you. If a friend is constantly tearing you down, saying things that are negative about you and what you're doing (unless your a street whore selling crack), then it's time to let them go. A real friend wants to see you succeed in life.

Again, I can continue writing but I won't. I guess what I find important is keeping the people who are right for you in your life and getting rid of the others. Know your worth in all your relationships and never compromise that. In the end you will be happier and so will the others around you.

On this day of love, I wish all of you lots of love and fulfillment. Thanks to those who contributed to this long winded blog and thanks to those who took the time to read my words.

Happy Valentine's Day!



Monday, January 28, 2013

Taking Inventory...

Lately I have been doing a lot of reflecting. My thoughts have been scattered trying to juggle them all, trying to compartmentalize things so they make sense. My mind was being pulled in several different ways and finding out how to center everything, balance everything, sort through everything, just became downright exhausting. Physically i've been doing well. No illness this year (knock on wood), eating better, exercising (lost 11lbs in the last 3 wks!), sleeping adequately, but despite being in what physically feels like a great position, i've been mentally exhausted. Trying to juggle job searches, relationships and remaining focused on personal goals has just been to much resulting in some unpleasant situations for myself and some others around me. Today I decided that i'm going to declutter my thoughts, i'm going to put to rest the things that burden me and begin taking the steps to move forward, happy, physically and mentally stronger. Situations change, people change, and being in one transition after another can be and has been exhausting. A good friend told me that I handle transitions with grace and poise, although I am flattered by this compliment, outwardly that is the truth, inwardly has not been the case. I hate transitions and ironically my life has been one transition after another for the past 5 years. So today I took inventory. I wrote down the things that I like, the things that I dislike and the things I want. Here is the inventory....

Things I like: *my curly hair*my brown eyes* my breast* my loyalty* my determination* my optimism* my organizational skills* my slightly OCD behaviors* my loving nature* my ability to forgive* my ability to accept*my willingness to help others* my patience* my hands* my ability to empathize* my ability to not sweat the small stuff* my ability to avoid conflict* my unique knees* my committment to those I love* my ability to focus my thoughts-to think deeply* my past experiences* the scar on the middle of my shin that looks like a bullet wound* my uniquely placed beauty marks*my ability to keep it moving* my crooked smile* my passion*

Things I dislike: *my nose* my butt(or lack there of)* my inability to create boundaries*my slightly OCD behaviors* my escape mentality* my stoic persona* my feet* my lack of trust* my space cadet/distant ways* my inability to connect with people on a basic level* my inability to make small decisions* my high and low moods* my crooked smile* my fear of committment*my inability to see people the way they present themselves*keeping people in my life past their expiration date*

Things I want: *stability* joy(endless)* balance* peace* freedom* a phat azz :)* consistency* spontaneity (spelling lessons perhaps?)* more fulfilling relationships* to write more* a stronger committment to spiritual growth* ability to stay committed (or make long term committments)* make a solid group of core friends*quality time with friends/family* hobbies* to make me a priority* longer hair* more meaningful conversations* to travel (a lot)* not to push people away* time to explore* love (lots)*

So what's the purpose of taking an inventory? Well, it's good to see everything down in front of you opposed to keeping it inside your head. There are somethings that I dislike that I accept, there are some things that I want that will be an ongoing process, there's things that I like that will change, stay the same, or increase. I'm learning to accept things as they are for now, roll with the punches, and be optimistic about all that future will hold for me. It's been a funky few months but now that i'm decluttering and taking the necessary steps to make myself a priority things are looking up. I highly recommend doing an inventory, it puts a lot of things in a good perspective. I'm grateful for everything and everyone that life has presented me and I know there is more good in store.

until next time...

"Never put permanent thinking on temporary situations" (me)