Sunday, February 12, 2017

The art of letting go

Image result for quotes on letting go

Whenever I need a little pick me up, I take myself to my favorite personal date spot-Bus Boys and Poets. I'm not sure what it is about this place but every time I come, solo, it soothes my soul and allows me the space to reflect.
Recently I have been grappling with some situations that have been weighing heavily on me. One dealing with a romantic interest and the other with my career. Obviously, both very big components in my life and both I have a hard time figuring out...haha. It's never easy to realize and the accept the truth of certain circumstances especially when they play out differently then what you have imagined. So as I was driving to my date night it hit me. I have to let go. Something that comes easy to others but not always the case for me. When I invest myself and my time into something, I believe in seeing it through to the end. For some reason I have conditioned myself into believing that letting go was the same as quitting and I'm no quitter. Continuing this inner dialogue and challenging this notion of being a quitter I realized that holding on to things, to ideas, to people past the purpose only prevents you from moving forward. Essentially blocking the blessings that are to come. Holding on to what could have been instead of looking forward to what could be is limiting. As I hit this ah ha moment that its ok to let go, its ok for things to not work out as you imagined because they worked out as they were supposed to, I felt at peace. 
There is an art to this whole letting go thing. When you come to a wall and realize there is no way to get around it, you can either keep trying to jump up hoping that one day you will make it over or you can turn around and try a different direction trusting that the new path will lead you to where you are meant to go. 
I'm ready for this new direction, the new adventures, and experiences. I'm ready to let go.