I've spent the past couple of days in FL (not so sunny this time around) with my bestfriend. She has relocated here for work and as she transitions to a new position and place to live, I can't help but think about my own position in life at the moment. I just submitted a milestone for my graduate project, meaning in just a couple of months I will be the master of something (depsite feeling there is so much more to learn). I have been conflicted on the next step and as I get this question over and over again, "what are you going to do next?" I confidently rattle off the two big plans I have and hope for while secretly supressing the other plan that is and always will be a possibility. As stated in the last post, i'm designing an education program for the shelter I work for. This program and the opportunity to implement this program has been something I have been sending into the universe with the hopes that it will become a reality. Although I'm excited about the aspect of teaching, particulary some of the more challenging students, my stomach does flips thinking about the opportunity to not only teach but to design, to create, to make change. I'm trying not to set my hopes too much on this job at the shelter becoming a reality because if it doesn't happen i'll be disappointed. I always like to keep a plan or two in my back pocket just in case and I will gladly step into a classroom on the first day of school as Ms.Wright and do what I can and give all that I can to my students. But something keeps telling me to just hold on because something is coming my way, I just need to be patient.
The other plan that has not really been mentioned and something that I have not really stated aloud is returning to Africa. A shocker for some and may be not, but something that is always and will always be an option and very viable option in my book. I know that I will go back one day, I know that my time here is only temporary but how temporary I have no idea at the moment. I may stay a year, 5 years, or 10 at this point all I know is that I will return one day, ready to embrace all the beauty that is there, the warmth in the sun and people, the contentment and peace once felt that i'm slowly creating here. So right now, i'm at a crossroads. What will be the next step, which door will open and where will I be led. Staying attunded to signs and feelings presented, something tells me i'll be in D.C just a little bit longer.
The other plan that has not really been mentioned and something that I have not really stated aloud is returning to Africa. A shocker for some and may be not, but something that is always and will always be an option and very viable option in my book. I know that I will go back one day, I know that my time here is only temporary but how temporary I have no idea at the moment. I may stay a year, 5 years, or 10 at this point all I know is that I will return one day, ready to embrace all the beauty that is there, the warmth in the sun and people, the contentment and peace once felt that i'm slowly creating here. So right now, i'm at a crossroads. What will be the next step, which door will open and where will I be led. Staying attunded to signs and feelings presented, something tells me i'll be in D.C just a little bit longer.