Sunday, May 27, 2012

It's about that celebrate!

In approximately 12 days I will be celebrating yet another 27th birthday! If you go back to blogs from this time last year, you will know that my birthday is my favorite holiday. This year is extra special as I will be celebrating my birthday stateside for the first time in 3 years (now that may not seem important but I can re-cap past birthdays abroad and let's just say they were memorable just not what I hoped to be doing). So after running through all the possible things that I could be doing for my birthday, I decided not to plan anything for the actual day and instead see how things fall into place.

I use this time to reflect on the past year, reviewing the lessons that have been learned and figuring out the goals I have for the new year. Although this year has been a rollcoaster of transitions and figuring out the right balance that keeps me from going insane, I have recognized that two lessons from this past year have stuck out the most for me. The first lesson, is letting go. You see I have this issue with control. Not so much over other people, but over me. I like to be spontaneous but at the same time have some sort of plan of action. I like surprises but I like being prepared for them. This control I believe has allowed me the certain level of success I have had this far but it has also taken the joy out of letting life happen. And let's be honest, I have a pretty sweet life filled with a lot of different opportunities that present themselves just as I am ready to take them on, so there really is no reason for me to feel that things won't work out. They always have. After becoming aware of this particular issue, I have consciously been telling myself to just accept things as they are and have faith that things will work out as they are supposed to. So tying back to my birthday and not making plans for the day, well, whatever is supposed to happen will happen. I know that i'm capable of making the most of it and I know that I will. 27 is all about living and enjoying life to the fullest and I want to start it off leaving behind this little "control" issue.

The other lesson I have learned is how not to let someone else rain on the sunshine parade you're in. You see, despite all the ups and downs this year, this year has been pretty fucking awesome. I got some good travel in-my first trip to Puerto Rico (a top five on my list of places to travel) and my first vacation without having to think about something that I have to do when it's over, I have met some good friends and strengthened some relationships with old friends, I have become comfortable with the person I am becoming while recognizing that my being is constantly being evolved and only I have the power to change things, I have learned how to let go when it comes to dating-at one point this was a priority but the more I tell myself that I need to live the life I want to live and all else will fall into place including this, the more it falls from the top of the priority list and good things have been happening there too. Despite my life being good, sadly some of those around me have been experiencing difficult times as they go through their own transitions and experiences. I wish I could make life easier for them, I wish I could help them overcome the difficulties they are facing or give them the perspective I have when it approaching certain situations but I can't. I have realized that just as I have, they have to figure out how to overcome their issues themselves, they have allow themselves the happiness they deserve and until they're ready to do that there's not much I can do but provide a listening ear, encouraging words, and love and to continue living life. Everyone goes through their own issues and I can attest to that, but i'm in a good place and i'm not going to let someone take that from me. Going back to the lesson learned from last year, do not be afraid to let your own happiness be a priority...mine is and i'm holding on to it because it's a pretty damn good place to be.

So there you have it folks. 27 is going to be a good year, I can feel it.