Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thanks for everything 2015!

Well folks we made it. We're in the final hours of 2015 and if you have read previous posts, my 2nd favorite holiday is upon us (my first being my birthday). I have completely dropped the ball on writing and now i'm sitting here just a few short hours before I'm scheduled to head out for my evening activities, trying to get my last thoughts of 2015 out before the new year begins. I struggled a bit trying to figure out just what I should write about and how to truly capture my thoughts towards 2015. I'm still not sure what will come out of this freestyle but alas, it really doesn't matter because like everything else, it will be left behind in 2015. Well... not exactly everything as there are some lessons that this past year has shared that I know will continue into the new year.

2015 was definitely my year. In more ways than one and although things did not always go as planned, they went as they were supposed to and as a result I have become a better person. When I look back at 2015, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. From turning 30 and being surrounded by a group of people who love and support me; to taking a 2 week solo trip through the middle east; to being honored by one of my favorite organizations with an award for doing work I enjoy; to embarking on a complete lifestyle change through yoga; to opening myself to giving and receiving love; to allowing myself to prioritize my happiness; to getting outside of my comfort zone and challenging myself to choose happiness over everything else; to honoring my worth and not settling for less than I deserve; to accepting life as it unfolds; to not worrying over things out of my control; to gaining control over the way I think; to recognizing my purpose and walking in it; to trusting myself and my judgment; to releasing the things/people who are not intended to continue walking with me on my journey; to nurturing relationships with those that are; to appreciating the gift of life and the beauty that is seen everyday; to not getting caught up in the craziness; to remaining true to me when it may have been difficult; to being still and enjoying that stillness; to being in the moment and appreciating it...I can go on but I won't. I have truly been blessed this year.

As I begin the transition into 2016, I have reflected on what I desire for the new year. I am not setting any resolutions because as I have learned to release control, I know that however I intend for this new year to go it will. Moving into the new year I affirm and I set the intention of acceptance. I will accept myself and I will accept others, even when feelings may desire otherwise. I affirm and set the intention of protection. As I continue to walk on my path may I be protected from all things and people that are not aligned with me serving my higher purpose. I affirm and set the intention of guidance. May I continue to be guided through life in a way that allows me to be purposeful, kind, compassionate, and loving. I affirm and set the intention of health. May I continue to prioritize my physical, emotional, and spiritual health. I affirm and set the intention of joy. May I continue to find joy through pain, joy in moments when it may appear there is none, joy in the struggle, and joy in the success. Lastly, I affirm and set the intention of love. May I continue to open my heart to giving and receiving love and may I be example to others of how to do the same.

With that being said, thanks 2015 for the wonderful memories, the blessings, and the lessons.

Come on 2016, i'm ready for you!

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