Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Give it what you got...

I need to do better. I need to do better. I need to do better. I need to do better. I need to do better.
I need to do better
My last post was written a little over 6 months ago, right before my favorite holiday- My birthday. Now that we are at my 2nd favorite holiday- NYE, I guess this is pretty good timing to squeeze in one last blog of 2013. Like many of you, 2013 was a CHALLENGING year. Actually, it was a year full of bullshit. Ok maybe not bullshit (and please excuse my language) but it was definitely a year that I am glad to put behind me. 2013 was a huge year of transition for me. From personal to professional, it felt as if my life some how fell out of my grasp and I was left struggling to regain control. Now that we are embarking on a new year, I can only help feel relieved at the opportunity to restart with a refreshed perspective on what it is I really want out of this thing called life. 

In true form, there were TONS of lessons learned in the last year and obviously there are a few things I plan on putting out in the universe in the new year. I would share all those lessons, but as I think about them, I realize that it may take several pages and lots of time, so i'm going to spare you and share with you the most important lessons learned in 2013. 
1. Give it what you got...
On my way to work this morning, I drove past a man asking for change on the side of the road. I have seen this man out there before and it's pretty obvious that he suffers from some mental/physical disability (he appears to have significant eyesight loss).Usually, I catch the light before this man reaches my car but today I did not catch the light and this man made it to my car. I have always been the believer that if you feel compelled to do something, then you should do it. So as I look in my wallet to see if I had a spare dollar and all I found was a $10.  So I gave  what I had- that $10 bill. I would be lying if I didn't think of the several different ways I could have spent that money, but I also would have been disappointed in myself for putting such trivial needs before the basic needs of others. I don't like to speak about those small acts of kindness because it seems boastful and the only reason why I did so now is the lesson that was presented after reflecting on the action.  If you ask my mom, i'm generous to a fault. I give my time and resources without thinking about me first. And yeah this could be true, but I also believe that when you give what you got, you will get what you need.  Despite all the challenges this year presented me, I can honestly look back and be grateful for all that it gave me. I have formed awesome relationships with awesome people, I had great travel experiences, I have been presented with great professional opportunities. Most importantly, I have been given experiences that have allowed for a space of reflection, deeper sense of self, and clarity.


2. Shifting operations from a space of fear to a space of faith...
Recently I had a conversation with a great friend and we were talking about operating in a space of fear. Thinking about myself, my actions, my thoughts, I realized that this year I have been operating in a space of fear. Fear of not being in the place I thought I would be personally and professionally and fearful of failing. Operating from this space prevented me from being able to look around and figure out what I really wanted in that moment and what I really want for myself. As my friend so poignantly put it "we have to shift from operating in a space of fear to a space of faith." If we started relying on our faith that the things that are meant to happen will happen and if we start believing that all that we are supposed to have will be, then we will stop mentally blocking ourselves from the greatness that is in each one of us. As they say, "we are our own worst enemies" and reflecting on all this, I have come to realize that the internal conflict that was a result of all the transitions came from my inability to operate from a space of faith. I encourage you reflect on this quote that has really resonated with me in the last few weeks " Don't wait for the world to recognize your greatness, live it and let the world catch up to you." Go out there, give it all you got and watch as all you need comes back to you. 


With all this being said, here are my goals for 2014.

1.Become more committed to my health and wellness (mind, body, and soul)
2.Financial Responsibility
3. Focus on developing my consultant business

I know my blogs are long winded so I'm going to save the details for each goal for another blog. I hope as we close out 2013 you have had the opportunity to reflect on the old and prepare for the new. 
I'm ready to live up to my greatness and I am looking forward to all the good that will come in 2014.
Until next year.... 
Wishing you a safe, healthy, happy, and fulfilling new year!

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