Friday, June 7, 2013


If you know me (or at least have kept up with my blog) you know that tomorrow marks a very, very, special day for me. It's my 28th birthday! I am so excited to be able to re-open a new year, a new chapter, with a renewed sense of self, direction, perspective and I am so excited to put what I have learned and what I am still learning into practice.

If I were to put a word on the last year, I would say it was the year of reaffirmation (whoa ho ho...big word there! it means to confirm something that was previously confirmed- anyway I digressed there). Every challenge from the last year reaffirmed a lesson I had previously learned. Well, i'm sure you're asking yourself  "how do you relearn a lesson that you already learned before...I mean once you learn it, why do you need to re-learn it?" Well, that's simple. We have a need to re-learn lessons because when challenges are presented we tend to forget those lessons and we all know anything that we really need to know has to be presented to us several times before we actually make it habit. So yeah, the last year was full challenges which resulted in learning and re-learning lessons. Again, if you keep up with this blog you know my style, I will write the lesson a brief tidbit to go with it, then thank you all in the end for reading and it's over. This time instead of reflecting on those instances that resulted in my re-learning something, I am going to share with you my hopes for the new year.

This year, I hope...

  • To feel fulfilled by all the relationships in my life.
  • To love others freely without losing sight of loving myself
  • To accept people where they are
  • To embrace the roles people play in my life
  • To create the boundaries necessary to allow me to maintain balance in my life
  • To maintain peace
  • To not let my future predict my present
  • To create the community I want to be a part of
  • To love more
  • To just enjoy..the moment, the company, the memories
Here's to another year of lessons, love, and living life to the fullest!

Cheers :)

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