So I decided to take a break from my job search to write a little. This whole job application thing is not for be, but I guess it has to be for me seeing as I need a job. I'm not sure how many places I have applied to but my resume is floating out there waiting for someone to grab it and give me a chance. I try not to be too picky in my search, ideally I will find a position that lies somewhere along my interests, past experiences, or skills. I try to be hopeful in the sense that the right opportunity will present itself when its meant to be presented, but after being in Malawi and being in control of the opportunities presented, its hard to wait. I mean there if I wanted something to get done, I got it done. If I wanted to focus my energy on a certain project I could do that. Why isn't there something like Peace Corps in America? I mean give me some money and to seek out projects and work related to my passions and interests and watch me work. I know that if given the right opportunity then i'll be able show whoever just what i'm capable of. Coming to DC is a catch 22 i'm coming to find out. I mean non-profit capital of the world, endless opportunities, but just like my reasonings for choosing DC as my next place of residence, several others have as well, meaning more competition. I know, and maybe I need to take a step back, but I really can't, I know that i'm the sh*t. My experiences are diverse and what I can bring to any environment is unique from that of others.
I feel like i'm back in Malawi during my first few months. I live with a host family i.e my cousin, still trying to figure out where i'll leave my mark and what my focus will be in my upcoming work, and adjusting to life different from the one i'm use to. As long as I put it in that perspective i'm able to deal with the fact that i'm not good with transitions. Been there, done that...right? Yeah...right. Patience truly is a virtue and I know deep down that the position i'm meant for will present itself at the right but until then, a place holder will have to do...Starbucks anyone?
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