Sunday, September 16, 2012

A story of a girl.

I have a story to share....

There was a talented, skillful, intelligent young woman who worked for an organization that served homeless women. She spent two years working with them in a capacity that was below her abilities but because it worked with her life at the time she did not see an issue and just enjoyed the fact that she was doing work that she enjoyed doing. One day, a little over a year into her job with this organization, she recognized a need. The organization, although it provided great services to those it served, it was missing a large fundamental piece to help provide better support to those it was serving. The organization was in transition and preparing to expand and this young woman saw the need for a more comprehensive education program that would better prepare the clients for their next step outside of the shelter. She proposed the idea to the higher ups of designing a new program, keeping in mind there could be a better job for her upon completion, and once the proposal was accepted began working on the program. For 6 months she spent many, many hours doing assessments and research to design a program that would be best suitable for those that this organization serves. After completing the design of the program and handing it over, she was informed that at the time there wouldn't be an opportunity to bring an individual on to manage it. Although she was saddened by this news, she knew that this program, one day, will come to life benefiting those that it was intended to benefit. All was not wasted because she was able to use the program as the final project for her Masters and was able to collect her diploma 2 months after walking across the stage.

For a few months this young woman spent time seeking out job opportunities that could be a good fit only wishing that something better would come along, something that was the RIGHT fit. After turning down 2 positions due to the low salary being offered and being turned down from another position after two months of interviews, she was surprised to find out that the organization in which she designed the program for was now hiring someone to manage the program and within the salary range she was seeking. Being excited that the opportunity she hoped for and thought was the right one became available, she applied and was granted an initial interview. Now it seemed kind of silly having to interview with someone that she worked with for two years but figured they were trying to go about it the most fair way. She was offered a second interview on the spot and at the second interview was told to submit references. She submitted her references and a week went by before a request for another reference was made in which she happily obliged and sent the reference. She was told that a decision would be made the following week and she anxiously waited for the decision to be made. It was a long wait and difficult because everyone around the girl knew she had the job seeing as she worked with the organization for two years AND designed the program. When the day came for the decision, she did not hear anything but assumed it was because everyone was busy preparing for the expansion. The next day she decided to email the hiring manager/her co-worker and did not receive an immediate response. A few hours passed and then she received a call that would alter the path her life would take. "Courtney, we were really, really, really (and no I did not emphasize that, she really did say 'really' that many times) impressed by you but unfortunately we decided to go with another candidate. We really hope you will consider other positions as they become available in the coming months, we really do." Yep folks, this young lady was me and this really happened. As much as I told myself over the interview process that I shouldn't expect to be offered the job, to me  it made the most logical sense seeing as I had everything they were looking for from educational background and experience to being the one who DESIGNED the program. So as disappointed as I was I had to accept the fact that I wouldn't be the one to manage this amazing program I designed.

After receiving some sound advice from my mom, I copyrighted my program and decided to expand my job search to outside of the DC area. Now i'm not opposed if the right opportunity is here in DC but i'm now not shut off to the idea that maybe DC was just a pit stop in my journey and there is somewhere else I need to be next. Who knows, but I do know what I have learned in this job search process.

1. Do not ever settle for something unless you have to. I've had jobs try to get me to work a zillion hours and offer to pay me nothing. I know my worth, I don't expect more than I deserve and I am not willing to settle for just anything because I feel that I have to. Lucky for me, I have people all around me that support me and are willing to support me through this transition (thanks mom!).
2. Do not limit yourself. I spent 2 years convincing myself that I need to stay in DC and DC has the best opportunities for me. I then realized that although I would like to stay near my mom and family, there are opportunities outside of DC that could and would work for me as well. The work that I want to do is needed everywhere which means there are opportunities everywhere for me.
3. You create the life you want to have. After initially being stressed out about the whole job thing, I decided to let go and live life as I would if I had a job. During the day I spend time looking and applying for jobs but the evenings and weekends are my time to relax, catch up with friends and family, and remember there is more to life then work, work, work.

So although I am now approaching this job search with a more open mind who knows where i'll end up. Hell, 2 years is a pretty standard amount of time for me to be in any one place and i'm surprised I made it this long. After hearing the news from the shelter, I had to remind myself to count my blessings. I have health, home, love, clothes, food, family, friends, choices and these blessings although they seem so basic is all we really need. I know the right opportunity is out there for me and i'm not willing to settle....just yet.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know that happened. That is something. Your own program. Who could implement it any better than you could? Everything happens for a reason. And I know CoCo won't let anything stop her!
