I have this intense urge. The same intense urge that I felt when I stepped on the campus of Vanderbilt for the first time, the same urge I felt when deciding to apply to Peace Corps, American for grad school and traveling to South Sudan. This urge shows up when I least expect it but it is the indicator that there is something that I need to do. I woke up the other morning and this urge appeared telling me that I need to explore the option of going back to teaching…yes, you read that right. I just might…or I will be a teacher again. I don’t think I ever left the profession but explored other facets within it, now I think I’m ready to step back into a classroom and hopefully create an experience for my students that would leave the same lasting impact that was left on me. The more I explore the idea of whether or not I should teach the more reasons keep appearing as to why I should do it. I’m passionate about education, I’m passionate about being able to open up opportunities and doors to opportunities for others and given the state of this country and where are youth are heading, its time more positive role models stepped in and helped guided them, I believe I can do that. All of my past experiences have given me a better perspective to the world and essentially with this perspective I feel comfortable now, more than I did 5 years ago when I received my degree in education, in influencing and leading the next generation.
I have lucked out in the fact that I do not have to jump through hoops to get a teaching license in DC. I was told that I would simply need first aid/cpr and that I completed all other requirements in undergrad. The exchange for teaching for a few years seems well worth it to me. Besides a decent salary, summers off (which will afford me the opportunity to do some international consulting), full benefits, loan cancellation after 5 years of service and most importantly being a part of the solution in ensuring the next generation has a solid foundation that will better prepare them to be future leaders. Who do I plan on teaching? I know that I’m adequately qualified to teach in one of the better performing schools, but I choose not to. My students will be the ones that are truly left behind, shitted over by society, policy and those that are responsible for making sure they are given an equal shot at having a positive future. Am I superwoman? Well, yes, but I am also realistic that I am not going to walk into a classroom in a lower performing school and save them all and that’s ok. One thing I know is that I am confident in the fact that I will walk into a classroom and be able to change the life of one.
After several different plans that have come to fruition within these past 3 months, this plan is the most feasible and realistic. If I want a PhD in Urban and Minority Education, I am going to have to spend some time in an urban education system where I’m working with minority students. If I’m going to put a dent in my student loan debt, I can’t settle for a low paying position. If I want to save, to travel then I need a career that will allow me to do so. I’m a firm believer that you have to sacrifice to succeed, what is one year or 5 years or 10 years? The beauty of being young is coming to my benefit here. I figured if I stay for the 5 years, I’ll be 32 which is still young enough to change my career if I choose to.
I revisited my graduate admissions essay and came across this statement “…I know I will be able to reach the students who need me the most. The students who color outside the lines, think outside the box, and ask questions that are relevant to their understanding of the world. These students are waiting for a teacher who understands them; I know these students are waiting for me.” I know education is my calling and although I’m still trying to figure just where in education I fit best, it is important for me to comfortably and confidently say I tried and it didn’t work before moving on.
I think I’m ready to become a teacher again.
girl that was an amazing post. and to be honest sometimes in life you have to sway away from something for a bit to make sure that you truly loved it. so go ahead...back to the classroom