This past month I engaged in a Gratitude Chain with my accountability group. Everyday we emailed the group 5 things we are grateful for. They were funny, candid, honest, basic, complicated...they were everything and anything we could express gratitude for in that moment. It was the intention that after the 30 days, those that participated will have a mental shift that allowed them to experience life with a heart of gratitude. As a result, I find myself expressing gratitude throughout the day which has caused a shift in energy. I can't speak for the group but thinking about 5 things daily at times was difficult but it allowed me to look at even the smallest things and find the blessing in it.
I'm not going to share all 150 things but here are 30 of my favs from the 30 days.
1. I'm grateful for my yoga mat for always supporting me, welcoming me back, and allowing me to experience peace. For being a little 2x7 space of heaven and bliss.
2. I'm grateful for my body. Rolls, dimples, wrinkles and all. It does amazing things daily.
3. Periods- they remind me of my power as a woman, my femininity, and give me a good excuse to turn upon self-care.
4. Being single. I know this period will not last forever but i'm grateful to have the time to solely focus on my needs and explore things on my own.
5. My mom. For being her and allowing me to learning acceptance through her. I appreciate her no fucks given attitude and for still sending me eggplant emojis even though I told her what it means and still not giving a fuck because eggplants make her laugh. For letting me grocery shop at her house and for buying me dinner from our fav Greek spot last night.
6. My professor for recognizing my greatness and working to create a space for that greatness to shine and be of service to many others.
7. My friend Wana...for allowing me to be me, affirming my greatness, being honest and open to hearing my endless stories about life and giving me that male perspective most importantly telling/showing me how I should be treated by man without being my man.
8. My bed. It's comfortable and safe and my little haven away from the outside. Lord knows its a struggle to leave in the morning.
9. My curls. For a long time I didn't know how to embrace them and now I wouldn't want to change them. It's parallel to the evolution of my own self love.
10. Vacuums...since college vacuuming has always been a stress relief. I don't need something fancy but having one is essential.
11. Dating. I used to have a love hate relationship with it, saw it as a waste of time, and have positioned myself to not have to do it. But I'm back in a space where I'm excited at the idea of meeting different people, regardless of the outcome, and living for the experience. I'm grateful to see that each experience brings me closer to myself and allows me to learn more about the world.
12. My sacred relationship with my higher power.
13. Random conversations with strangers. This weekend was full of them.
14. Laughter. Not sure if my headache is a result of mojitos and carolina tea or the amount of laughter that occurred last evening. It truly is good for the soul and I love when it's endless.
15. Time. It's so limited but endless. I just want to live my life to the max even if the max means netflix and chill in bed. I want every experience to be fulfilling even if that means I have to change my perception of what fulfilling is in that moment.
16. My workout challenge partner Carolyn (she was my Peace Corps roll dog). We saw a video on FB of a woman who was depressed and overweight who decided to workout everyday for 100 days with the result being shedded pounds and more joy. We decided to the do the same-100 days of working out at the minimum 30 minutes per day. We have gotten creative, we have not missed a day even when we were feeling ick etc. we have made it 40 days today and its becoming my new norm. She lives in Wisconsin so its been cool to be virtual buddies and stay connected to someone who literally was my saving grace during my first several months of service.
17. The way the universe aligns things to happen at the right time
18. My freedom. I can do whatever I want and not restricted by having to do it with others. I love my independence
19. My Greekness. Everyday I wear my brownness (with honor) but I'm equally proud to be Greek. I legit feel like a unicorn but wouldn't trade it for anything
20. Sunshine on my skin. I did some yoga on the pier at the park and at the end just laid there soaking up all the sun I could. I love the warmth and feeling, it's like lititle sun rays are tap dancing on your skin.ahjhhhhhhhhhh come on spring!
21. Former lovers, forever friends. They bring such a great perspective and are great reminders of lessons learned
22. Taking poops.
23. My twin brother...had a random daydream to when i'm a mom and he was there being that cool uncle. We live on opposite sides of the country but I can totally see him posing my child in inappropriate ways and taking pics. I wish he were closer because I genuinely like spending time with him even when he's acting like an ass. So I guess this is the universe telling me to plan a trip to visit! :)
24. My accountability group and the genuine, open, candid conversations.
25. Letting go control and letting God guide me.
26. Self-forgiveness. We fuck up. We say things out of character, do things out of character, think things out of character but being able to admit wrongdoing and apologize first and foremost to self has been empowering. Some people just aren't worth the apology but we (ourselves) always are.
27. car. She's been in the shop since Monday and I realized over the past couple days how much I appreciate her. She was the first car that I bought that I got to choose what I want. From the color to the amenities, I got her how I wanted her which given my past experiences with cars (hand me downs and/or just getting the first thing I could out of necessity) she is an object that represents the hard work I have put into building credit and financial management. I can look at her and be like "I did that" LOL
28. Donald Trump. I refuse to give this man my power and as I watched the address to congress, I realized how human and how ego driven he is. He has a story that we don't know that has shaped how he is and although I do not necessarily agree with him, I can be grateful for the snakes in the grass he revealed. He has challenged me to be more compassionate, loving, and accepting. He is here, he is the president (sadly), and he is who he is.
29. For new opportunities
30. You