What in the world?
I'm not sure if other folks have noticed, but it appears as if the economic climate has something to do with waist size. Now, let me put a disclaimer on this...if you are on the heavier side its ok as long as you're healthy. Not everyone's body type is meant to be skin and bones.
Ok, so since i've been back I have realized just how the economic crisis has impacted people...well, their mid-section. I'm surprised to see the gross amount of overweight and unhealthy folks there are. You may not be hung up on being healthy for vanity purposes but you should be hung up on it for longevity purposes. Come on now...heart disease kills and if prevention means skipping out on some fries and taking a walk, I think its worth it. My goal when I arrived back stateside was not to lose weight or maintain the weight i'm at, its to maintain and adopt the more healthy eating and exercise lifestyle I had in Malawi. Why? because it makes me feel good(and look better). The crap we put in our bodies is going to come out our bodies in some negative way. My rule of thumb is moderation. Do everything in moderation and it always balances out.
I plan on running a marathon next year, no i'm not a size two but my body and heart will be strong and healthy enough to withstand that type of pressure. I think everyone should set some type of health related goal, I mean we have no problem setting them when we want to make money, and stick to it. I mean just think how good it will feel when you reach the goal and know you're healthier because of it.
back away from the whopper....just once or twice can make a difference.
OK..so my next observation has to deal with men. Oh, Lord, Jesus, what is going on there? If you found a good one, you should consider it a great accomplishment. Now, some of the things I have noticed and heard may or may not be true for all. Again, please do not take what I say as generalizations of a entire population. So, i've been living in DC a total of 9 days now with 2 of those days spent in NYC so far. I'm fresh, i'm new and i'm trying to learn the ins and outs of the city. I never knew that I would get so many warnings about the behavior of the men. From guys who don't know you feeling through your hair just to check and to see if its real, to men on the serious "down low" tip.
First, its extremely offensive to put your hands in anyone's hair if you don't know them and don't ask for permission. Second, if a girl wants to wear weave or whatever it is her head, on her body, and her choice. Pro-choice is not just for reproductive health anymore...Third, if you the dude trying to feel for some realness mess up the weave are you willing to pay for it? I didn't think so...remember you break you buy. Don't touch things that do not belong to you, save the hair check for a legit date or something of that nature and ask. Or be man about it and ask! If you don't like a girl with weave then leave the girl alone, she is not doing anything to bother you.
Second, "down low" men. Its played out...Yeah, thats right, I said it and will say it again...ITS PLAYED OUT!!! Be honest and real, you running around living a double life and hiding is not cute nor is it real. Be a man and be honest. If you love your ladies but enjoy being with a dude every now and then, be honest. You are more judged when you hide and lie then being upfront and truthful. We are in the 21st century, I believe we have become a bit more progressive and can handle it better. Now, if someone can't then its their choice not to, but really, do you want to associate with people that won't accept you for you? Keep it real.
Third, what ever happen to the common courtesy and manners? Damn, folks, i'm tired of dealing with rude people when i've been kind and respectful. There is no reason for you to take your anger out on the world. Simply take a deep breath analyze the situation and keep it moving. If you can't change it, doesn't make sense to ruin a day over it. Stop being so selfish, you never know how a smile or good morning can cheer someone up. For example, every morning I walk my cousin's dog past this garage place on her block and every morning i'm greeted by the same group of workers with a "good morning" then a "have a good day" so simple but it starts the day off right. Small things like that can have a great impact on how a person's day goes...don't be afraid to smile...it will come back to you.